
The Parish of St Denys Rotherfield

St Denys Tower

How can you make a lasting gift to our church

Dear Friends

It has always been a great encouragement whenever someone has left a gift in their will to our Church in the past.

For our church family, it’s their testimony to the faithfulness, goodness and generosity of God and their thankfulness for the life of St Denys’. Among our wider friends, it’s a way of expressing the value they place upon the presence of our beautiful, historic and much loved church.

I want to encourage all our church family and friends, old and young, to make a will, review it regularly, and consider the difference a gift in your will could make.

Thank you,

Adam Hardy - Associate Minister (Reader)

1 Chronicles 29

Your Church, Your Gift

Many people give regularly to the mission and ministry of the church. We are stewards of everything we own, not just our income. Gifts in wills are a natural part of that giving.

a wedding at St Denys

They are a valuable and lasting way to invigorate the life of St Denys’ and transform its future.

The high altar

Palm Sunday procession with a donkey

Sometimes parish life can feel like an endless cycle of raising money to pay the bills. A gift in your will is different. It can be an expression of your gratitude and thanksgiving towards God, and can help keep your local church alive, and transform its future.

 The easter cross

The PCC has written a Legacy Policy confirming that, however large or small, it will use your gift to make a real difference to our church.

our puppet theatre

Two simple steps

  1. Make a will and review it regularly.
  2. Consider leaving a gift to St Denys’

St Denys front view

Contact our legacy officer

Our Legacy Policy

The policy of the PCC is to use gifts in wills in the way best suited to the needs of the church at the time. Since needs change over the years, we encourage church members to leave a gift in their will for the general purposes of St Denys’, rather than for a restricted purpose.

a barn dance

Suggested wording for your will: 

“I give ___% of my residuary estate OR I give the sum of £___ (pounds only) free of all taxes to the Parochial Church Council of the parish of St Denys Rotherfield in the Diocese of Chichester for its general purposes, and I declare that the receipt of an officer of the Parochial Church Council shall be a sufficient discharge to my executors and trustees.” 

We strongly advise you see a solicitor when writing or amending your will.

Download our Legacy Leaflet

Download our Legacy Leaflet